This post was written by our guest blogger Loopylara. She’s written a great little post about how to get started in Restaurant City. With these little tips and tricks, every player to get that little bit extra from their game. Enjoy!
I started playing Restaurant City on Facebook back in 2009, when it was a new game. In the early days it wasn’t easy to earn coins. Since then, it’s become easier to keep the restaurant open, earn coins and get free ingredients. Still, some tips and tricks can help you go a long way!
So here is my top 10 tips to getting started in Restaurant City!
Tip 1
Register for the Playfish Forum – you can claim free ingredients, coins and find new friends who you can add neighbours which are always useful since you can claim first visit ingredient, trade, plus a few more things.
Tip 2
This may sound silly however most people get annoyed when you send a silly trade request such as sugar which is a five star ingredient for a one star ingredient such as dragonfruit. I’d recommend trading a five star ingredients for other five star ingredients they need in particular to level up a dish since they more likely to accept.
Tip 3
Check the fan page for Restaurant City on Facebook out regularly because it often gives away a free ingredient but remember this is very important, they are only available for a 24hrs from when it was posted so once they’re gone, they’re gone!
Tip 4
Start shorter shifts to help you earn more coins at first. Then gradually extend the opening hours as you earn more coins and can buy longer shifts.
Tip 5
You can earn coins and Gourmet Points (GP – they help you level up) by picking up litter in your friend’s restaurant if you decide to visit. You can also complete little problems such as a sleeping bear or penguins in your friend’s restaurant – they disappear once you click on them.
Tip 6
If you’ve followed the tips above, you should have some good coins saved up by now! Next I would recommend owning a Retro Arcade Machine or Crazy Planets Pinball Machine, for in-game coins; Retro Arcade Machine earns you 30 coins every 15 minutes and the Crazy Planets Pinball Machine you can earn 80 coins every 1 hour.
Tip 7
Pay attention to your customer’s bubbles! Seems a little thing but can help a great deal with pop since each red thumbs down reduces your pop since different bubbles mean different things and here is rough guideline to what they mean. I could go on but these I feel are important to deal with in early stages.
● Chair means a customer is waiting for a seat.
● Table means a customer is sitting down but waiting for a table.
● Plate means a customer is waiting for a plate to be cleared away – you can either click the plate in front of them or wait for your member of staff to clear it.
● Table with red thumbs down means the waiting time is too long however it is different to just table bubble.
● Table with plate as well as a red thumbs down means waiting for plate to be cleared took long or been free too long.
● Serving dish with clock means chefs or waiters are taking too long to serve or cook the dish.
● Banana skin with red thumbs down means a dirty restaurant so clean your trash!
● Toilet means your customers want a toilet, or that there isn’t one available to use.
Tip 8
Send free ingredients to your friends and let them know if you want a specific ingredient back.
Tip 9
Layouts to help your customers getting served quicker, this layout I use can be used for 1 chef and 1 waiter as well 2 chefs and 2 chefs and currently I am using it for 3 chefs and 3 waiters and it seems to keep my pop at max.
Tip 10
When you find the Gourmet King; he can be found in friend’s restaurants, in garden in your restaurant, Random Street, Gourmet Street or just standing on street outside restaurants – my advice is to select an ingredient for your friends to claim since generally that’s more is useful.
That’s my blog to starting out in Restaurant City, there is a lot more I could write but these few tips should help you get started and I would like you to find out more by the playing game. Have fun!
Visit our Restaurant City Guide section in our forums for additional tips and hints !